Just wanted to give y'all an update. This week has been AMAZING!!! Most important, God really moved in my heart last night when we had a popcorn preaching service with some of the college boys. It was so neat! Some of the girls, who went to El Dorado to help in a carnival held by a sister church, had been talking about how they would really like to be able to hear some of the college boys preach. Upon their return, they found out that some of the preacher boys had gotten together to have popcorn preaching!!! I found out about it just sitting in the lobby doing my homework.
It was originally going to be in the auditorium; therefore, Jordan, Katie, Elizabeth, and myself went into the auditorium to pray for this service to bring revival. It ended up being in one of the classrooms, but nonetheless, it was AMAZING. The order was randomly picked out, yet they all fit perfectly together!! God really moved on me. We are hoping to do this every month. Please pray for the kids here and for God to send revival to this school. We have some terrific students here this year, and God has already started to move.