Monday, December 6, 2010

Girl's Night Out

Mrs. Sepe (dean of women) and me

Elizabeth and Me
showing her beautifulness off

Me, Ralphy (main character in the play), and Karissa

My closest friends at the college
(Elizabeth Naumann, Me, Karissa Alvey, and Elizabeth "Bethie" Alvey)

Me and Elizabeth Naumann

Our table group @ Benihana's
(very good service)

Santana and Summer Fink
(Summer is my soulwinning trainer)

Group picture of the girls from Girl's Night Out
We were at a play

Elizabeth playing with puppies
during bus visiting with Karissa that morning

Doggy in a Manger

Got this in an e-mail and thought it was really really cute.

A Nativity Scene was erected in a church yard.

During the night the folks came across this scene.

An abandoned dog was looking for a comfortable, protected place to sleep. He chose baby Jesus as his comfort. No one had the heart to send him away so he was there all night.

We should all have the good sense of this dog and curl up in Jesus' lap from time to time. This is too sweet not to share.
No one mentioned that the dog breed is a "shepherd!"